MICS Capstone Project (NN, AS, SA, JM)

This is a privacy tool you can use to see for yourself how AI and machine learning could view your twitter interactions. Due to the upcoming political elections we chose political tendency as the subject to analyze, however, our method could also be applied to other potentially sensitive subjects.

Knowledge is power and with this tool you have the power to be informed how your existing and future twitter actions could impact our algorithm's perception of you.

Our method:

  • Apply pagerank algorithm to influential politicians on twitter
  • Calculate a political tendency score for your interactions with these politicians on twitter
  • Predict your political affiliation based on that political tendency score

Please, log in using your twitter account to our web site and we will calculate your score.
By logging in to our website you agree to our Cookie Policy and Terms and Conditions.

Sign in with Twitter »
Please wait while we are collecting the data...
Based on your activity on Twitter you are
Democrat for {{ democrat_score * 100 / (republcan_score + democrat_score) | number:0 }}%
Based on your activity on Twitter you are
Republican for {{ republcan_score * 100 / (republcan_score + democrat_score) | number:0 }}%
Based on your activity on Twitter we were not able to identify your political affiliation.
Polit All
{{tweet.user.name}} {{tweet.created_at}} {{tweet.sname}} (Rep) {{tweet.sname}} (Dem) Positive Neutral Negative {{tweet.mnb_score}}%


{{tweet.retweeted_status.user.name}} @{{tweet.retweeted_status.user.screen_name}} {{tweet.retweeted_status.created_at}}


{{tweet.quoted_status.user.name}} @{{tweet.quoted_status.user.screen_name}} {{tweet.retweeted_status.created_at}}


Polit All
{{userfriend.sname}} (Rep) (Dem)
Polit All
{{userlike.sname}} (Rep): (Dem):